Monday, August 8, 2016

My Experience with Working for Myself

When you talk to most people and you tell them that you work for yourself, their first reactions are usually:

"Wow!  That's so cool!  It must be so easy!"
"You can just do whatever you want to, when you want to!"
"That must be such a piece of cake."
"I bet you get so much free time!"
"It would be so nice to work for yourself.  Then, you can just be so free!"
"I could get so much housework done if I was just sitting at home everyday!"

The truth is, this hasn't been easy.

Honestly, it was easier working a full time job that I knew that I had to go to Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5:30.  I could (at least attempt to) leave it all there when I left!

It was easier knowing that I had a pay check every week.
It was wonderful having a steady paycheck and not worrying about buying groceries or that cute trendy top.
It was fun going to lunch with coworkers and having more of a "social" life.
It was kinda nice not being at home all the time to see how badly you need to do laundry, mop, cook, etc., on top of trying to run a business out of your home.
It was great to be able to turn your cell phone off and know that you could just "Worry about it at work on Monday."
It was great not having to be "on" 24/7.
There have been sleepless nights and lots of stress.

Now, I'm not at all trying to complain!  I promise!

When I lost my job this April, I was devastated.

I loved my job and I loved what I did.  But, I decided to fall back on what I have always enjoyed doing.  I had a wonderful and supportive family and husband to push me into trying things out on my own.   At first, business seemed decent.  I had a few photo shoots, graphic design gigs, was selling some of my art and jewelry, and had a gallery showing at a local salon.  However, the next couple of months were difficult.  I was spending a lot of time posting online and sharing things to get my name out there.  I was creating things and they weren't selling.  I was spending money on items to make jewelry and then not selling anything to make the money back.  I felt like I was spinning my wheels and getting no where.

I know that when you run your own business, it comes and goes in waves, but friends it is not easy!  It's not easy financially and it's not easy on your self esteem.  You go through a whole feeling of "What is my self worth?"  There has been so much stress and anxiety towards pushing my business, that there have been days that I've had to take a step back and remember that making money and being successful in business is not what life is all about.  This doesn't make me who I am.

I've had to make myself take breaks and take a step back from my work.

Here's what has been working for me to balance everything.

Every morning when I get up, that's my coffee and social media time.  It gives me a chance to wake up and catch up on what's going on in the world.

I've started using a social media calendar in Excel, that helps me gather items and topics and make a set schedule of when to post.

I also started a new, once a week blog post called Friday Favorites.   I take notes while I'm looking through the Internet and also while I'm out and about and that helps me make a faves list for my Friday Favorites.

Every evening, I have to make myself put down my phone and stop liking, following, commenting, etc.  It can easily become an addiction!  Take time for yourself to unwind at the end of the day.   Read a book, the Bible, drink some tea and try to tune out the outside world.

To all of my other photographer, artist, blogger, entrepreneur, girl bosses out there, keep your head up!  We will get through this!  Just remember to make time for yourself and don't get too wrapped up in it all!  We have to remember to keep this fun!  We get one life to live.  Let's not waste it on stress!

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