Wednesday, January 11, 2017

An open letter to the man who shamed me for not changing my name

Thank you to the man at Costco, when I went to change my address on our account today, for belittling me in public and making me feel like the worst person in the world, because I haven't changed my legal name yet, to my married name.

Does it make me any less of a person?
Any less of a wife?
Love my husband any less?

Absolutely not.

Changing my name legally has been something that I've had a really hard time with.  I'm me.

My name is who I am.

Do I sign cards or something as Mr. and Mrs.?  Yes! Of course!  I'm married!

However, when it comes to legal documents, what differences does it make if it has the same name that I've had for almost 30 years?  That's who I am!

My name makes me who I am.  I've been proud of it my whole life.

It does not make me a feminist.
It does not make me a terrible person.

I love my husband!  I love him so much that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and marry him!  One day, Lord willing, we will have children and they will take his name.  We might choose to use my maiden name as a middle name, or another family name will be used, but I hope and pray that they are proud of their name, heritage, and know the family roots and history that make them who they are.

Therefore, it does not give you, man at Costco, the right to tell my husband that he needs to, "Handle his wife better" or that I "must be a fancy lawyer or wanna be actress", because I haven't jumped through hoops and paid an exuberant amount of money to change the name that is printed on my drivers license, membership cards, credit cards, passport, house documents, car, insurance, etc.

And, it sure doesn't give you the right to tell me that you are just going to "Go ahead and change my name on my account, because I needed to hurry up and change it anyway" without my consent.

I can't help but feel sorry for your wife (if you are married).  I hope you haven't made her feel, for years, the way that you made me feel in public today.

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